
You will compose four major projects and regular forum and blog posts for this course. These projects (listed below) will focus on different ways of multimodal composing. For each major project, you will be asked to submit preliminary drafts to be discussed by the whole class, and/or by me. You should plan to revise these assignments extensively before the due date. There are no rewrites or revisions after work is graded.

You must complete all assignments and requirements in order to pass this course. Your final grade includes the following requirements:

Four projects, along with related drafts and other artifacts. You will work on four projects (listed below) that focus on different modes of expression and go beyond words on a page (or screen) to include audio, video, and images.

  • Project 1: Create a Statement of Your Online Identity (Digital Image). Due January 30.
  • Project 2: Build a Web Portal for the Course  (HTML/CSS). Due February 20.
  • Project 3: Interrogate an Interface (Web Essay with Presentation). Presentations March 23 to 27; Due March 30.
  • Project 4: Remix a Story (Digital Narrative with Presentation). Presentations April 29 to May 6; Due May 6.

Participation, quizzes, forum posts, and blog posts. You will write and create smaller projects each week. These weekly activities include reading responses, text analysis, and reflections, as well as working on your major assignments and exploring digital composing tools. You will also read and provide thoughtful, substantive feedback on your peers’ work.

Take-Home Final Exam. You will write a course completion report (essentially a performance review).

  • CRN #13324 (10:10 MWF course): Due by 3:05 PM on Friday, May 8.
  • CRN #20269 (11:15 MWF course): Due by 9:45 AM on Friday, May 8.