Project 3 Web Essay Checklist

As you finalize your project, make sure that you have taken care of these requirements for the project:

  1. Cover all of the following areas of analysis in your web essay:

    • Rhetorical situation: Audience, Purpose, Context, Author, and Genre.
    • Design choices: Emphasis, Contrast, Organization, Alignment, and Proximity.
    • Modes of communication: Linguistic, Visual, Spatial, Aural, and Gestural.
    • Affordances and constraints
  2. Include well-integrated screenshots that enhance and reinforce your written text. Be sure that you refer to the screenshots in the linguistic text of your essay and that the images are placed near those references.

  3. Set up clear navigation between/among the pages of your web essay.

  4. Embed or link your presentation slideshow somewhere in your web essay: