Possible Schedule Change

No water. No coffee. No class.Yesterday I got an email message from the English Department Chair letting us know that there will be no running water in Shanks on Wednesday from 6 AM to 3 PM.

I hate to upset the class schedule, but I am not willing to have class under those conditions, especially on a day that we are supposed to do presentations. Sigh…

I would like to ask you to be flexible at this point. If the water outage does occur as planned, here's what we will do:

  • Wed, 3/25 will turn into a independent work day, and I will post details on what you need to do. Office hours will be cancelled that day.
  • Presentations scheduled for Wed, 3/25 will shift to Mon, 3/30. Mon, 3/23 and Fri, 3/27 presentations are not effected.
  • Project 3 due date will shift to Wed, 4/1 (no fooling, on April Fool's Day). You'll work on your reflection memo in class that day.

It is possible that the maintenance will change and we can keep our original schedule. If you are scheduled to present on Wednesday, keep working as if you will do so for now. I will confirm what we will do by 10 AM on Tuesday.  

So, as I mention above, for now, please be flexible. We can talk about the situation in class Monday; but with 8 presentations scheduled, we will need to keep discussion brief. I apologize for the uncertainty in the schedule, but I thought you would all rather have advanced notice of the potential problem (rather than last minute notice).

If any of these potential changes will mess up your world, let me know. We'll figure out how to fix it.