Remix Presentations, Day Three

This is the post for the Monday, May 4, 2015 class meeting.

goat3-600x450I will begin grading the remix projects that have been turned in this evening.

As I posted last week, the gradebook reflects Projects 1, 2, & 3, plus your attendance and blog posts as of 4/22. I will not update the blog posts or attendance totals until after class on May 6.


10:10 class presentations will be from these folks:

11:15 class presentations will be from these folks:

Remaining To-Do’s

  1. If you are presenting Wednesday, email me the link to your presentation by midnight on Tuesday (no grace period) so that I can set up the post for class

  2. Please complete the SPOT survey if you haven’t yet.

  3. Submit your remix by 11:55 PM on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, following the instructions posted Monday.

  4. Take the final exam. If your work is not submitted by 11:55 PM on Monday, May 11, you will receive a zero.