Remix Presentations, Day Three

This is the post for the Monday, May 4, 2015 class meeting.

goat3-600x450I will begin grading the remix projects that have been turned in this evening.

As I posted last week, the gradebook reflects Projects 1, 2, & 3, plus your attendance and blog posts as of 4/22. I will not update the blog posts or attendance totals until after class on May 6.


10:10 class presentations will be from these folks:

11:15 class presentations will be from these folks:

Remaining To-Do’s

  1. If you are presenting Wednesday, email me the link to your presentation by midnight on Tuesday (no grace period) so that I can set up the post for class

  2. Please complete the SPOT survey if you haven’t yet.

  3. Submit your remix by 11:55 PM on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, following the instructions posted Monday.

  4. Take the final exam. If your work is not submitted by 11:55 PM on Monday, May 11, you will receive a zero.

Project 4 Feedback Day

This is the post for the Wednesday, April 22, 2015 class meetings.

awesomeprojectToday is peer feedback day. The goal is to provide constructive feedback that will help one another develop the projects further. We will follow this plan for the feedback:

  • We will rearrange seating in the classroom so at least one person giving feedback is someone who hasn’t been sitting near you as you worked on the project.
  • Feedback groups will take turns following this process:
    • The project author will introduce the project, giving a summary of the project’s rhetorical situation, using the questions on pp. 111–112 of Writer/Designer. You need to be ready to explain about your audience, purpose, and design choices. Aim to take no more than 3 minutes for this part.
    • The people giving feedback will read and explore the project, using the guidelines in the section of the book on “Providing Feedback as a Stakeholder” (pp. 112–115 of Writer/Designer) to structure their comments. Take about 6 to 7 minutes on the the feedback.
    • After about 10 minutes, you will switch and another project author will introduce her work.
  • Once everyone has received feedback, you will each write a revision plan for the project as your blog post for the day. See pp. 116-118 of Writer/Designer for details on writing a revision plan. If your project is online in a place where I can see the rough cut, please be sure to include the link in your revision plan.

Writing Schedule and Homework

  • Friday, 4/24: In-class work day.

  • Monday, 4/27: Discussion of the reflection memo for Project 4 and the final exam. Last day of independent, in-class work.

  • Wednesday, 4/29 to Wednesday, 5/6: In-class presentations. Link to your presentation due by 11:55 PM the day before you present.

  • Wednesday, 5/6: Reflection Memo and Project 4 links due by 11:55.

Peer Review for Project 2

This is the post for the Monday, February 16, 2015 class meeting.

Peer Review CatToday is peer review day for the second project. By sharing the draft of your web portal, you will have the opportunity to get some feedback on your work before it is due.

Your Web Portals are due on Friday, 2/20. The grace period ends at 11:55 PM on Friday, 2/27.

Peer Review Activity

For today’s peer review, you will look at one another’s web portals and use an online form to guide your feedback. You will also provide each other verbal feedback. Please complete these steps:

  • Pair up with someone else in class. You may have to work in threes if there is an odd number of people in class.
  • Share your projects with one another, using whatever method is easiest. You can probably simply read one another’s screens.
  • Provide feedback on the following:
    • Check the title and tagline of the web portal. Let your partner know if it is unique, clear, and effective.
    • If you notice any spelling errors, punctuation errors, or typos, point them out, but please focus more on the content rather than editing.
    • Determine whether the website includes all the required elements:
      • Blog posts to date (for 2/4, 2/6, 2/9, 2/11, and 2/13)
      • An About page
      • A Site Information page
      • Placeholders for Interrogate an Interface, Remix a Story, Completion Report
    • Point out the positive features and aspects of the site. Tell the author what should not be changed and why it is good.
    • Make any suggestions you can to improve the site.
    • Respond to any specific questions or issues that your classmate has about the web portal.
  • Be sure you end your conversation with a bit of encouragement.

Today’s Blog Post

Today’s blog post is a little different since you will talk about what happened in your peer review conversation. Write a post that uses these two headings:

  1. What I Heard in Peer Review
  2. What I Need to Do

Your goal in this post is to summarize what you heard from your partner in class, and then to detail the things that you still need to do on your website before Friday. You can use a list for the second part of your post if you would like.


  • For Wednesday, 2/18:
    • You will have most of the class time to work, and I will answer questions about your sites. If we get a lot of snow, we will meet online, using WebEx. I will send out a message by 11:55 PM on Tuesday letting you know.
  • For Friday, 2/20:
    • You will work on your reflection memos, and submit your work (if you are ready). The grace period ends at 11:55 PM on Friday, 2/27.
  • For Monday, 2/23:
    • We will go over the assignment for Project 3: Interrogate the Interface. Review the information in Chapter 1 of Writer/Designer on Understanding Media and Affordances (starting on page 14). You will need to understand the concept of affordances to complete your second project.

Peer Review and Submission for Project 1

This is the post for the Friday, January 30, 2015 class meeting.

ruff-feedbackToday you will complete peer review for the first project and then submit your work by the end of the day. Remember that you have a one-week grace period if you need an extension. No questions asked.

Peer Review Activity

Today’s peer review is just a short activity where you look over each other’s papers. You will provide each other verbal feedback. Please complete these steps:

  • Pair up with someone else in class. You may have to work in threes if there is an odd number of people in class.
  • Share your projects with one another, using whatever method is easiest. You can probably simply read one another’s screens.
  • Provide feedback on the following:
    • Check the title of the file and document. Let your partner know if it is unique, clear, and effective.
    • If you notice any spelling errors, punctuation errors, or typos, point them out, but please focus more on the content rather than editing.
    • Look at the image and the explanatory statement. Comment on at least three things your classmate does well and at least three things that your classmate could improve on.
  • Be sure you end your conversation with a bit of encouragement.
  • Make any corrections or changes that you want to improve your work

Reflection Memo

Once you are ready to submit your work, you will go to Scholar to write your reflection memo. Follow these steps to write your reflection memo and submit your project.


  • For Monday, 2/2:
  • For Wednesday, 2/4:
    • We will work on setting up the WordPress sites on Wednesday, so begin thinking about a name and the kind of design you would like for your site. It can tie directly to your online identity statement, but it doesn’t have to.
    • Begin taking photos you can use to illustrate your blog. You can use your online identity image for your About page, but you will need more images. Take some photos (or identify photos you have already taken) that will work with the name and design you are thinking of and upload them to some place like FlickrInstagram, or Google Plus Photos so you can get to them in the classroom.
    • Note that by the end of Wednesday’s session, you should have a blog set up and you should have written your first post.
  • For Friday, 2/6:
    • Class will not meet in the classroom, as I will be traveling to a conference.
    • In lieu of the class meeting, please watch the video on “Changing the Appearance of Your Site” (39m 36s).
    • Apply what you have learned by choosing a theme for your WordPress site and customizing what you have on the site.
    • Write a blog post with the headings (1) What I Did, and (2) Why I Did It.